

Once called Constantinople, Istanbul is the only city in the world to span over two continents.

Inhibited for the last 2000 years, this imperial city has served as the capital of the Eastern Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

Modern day Istanbul being among the largest megapoles of the world, and with its diversity, never seizes to astonish and amaze the visitor.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


Legendary Troy, ther city immortalized in Homer’s Illiad which is excavated in 1871 by Heinrich Shliemann.

The site located in city of modern day Çanakkale.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


Ephesus is the most complete archaological ruin in all of the Mediteranean. The city is dedicated to Goddess Artemis, whose temple is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


Pergamon is one of the important cities in the ancient world. The library of Pergamon contained about 200.000 scrolls being the second largest library in antiquity after the library of Alexandria in Egypt.

It is also famous for its Asclepion, the healing sanctuary dedicaded to god Asclepius and The Altar of Zeus.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


From a geological point of view Cappadocia is breathtaking. The spectacular formations, seen nowhere else in the world, are a result of a series of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

However, Cappadocia’s historical importance is just as impressive as its natural beauty. Underground cities and cave churches, decorated with Byzantine frescoes, are just some of the sites to explore.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


Six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey, is one of the most startling archaeological discoveries of our time:

massive carved stones about 11,000 years old, crafted and arranged by prehistoric people who had not yet developed metal tools or even pottery.

The megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. Believed to be the world’s oldest temple, Göbeklitepe tumbled the world chronology we know of upside down.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.

Western Anatolia

Since it is the melting pot of civilizations and cultures throughout centuries, Western Anatolia has its different tastes.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.

Eastern Anatolia

Since it is the melting pot of civilizations and cultures throughout centuries, Eastern Anatolia has different tastes of its own.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.


Neigbours and so close, while you are here, why not extend your visit pre or post and aim two birds with just one stone.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.

Wine Trails

Wine making in Anatolia dates back some 7000 years ago.

Turkey has the 5th greatest vineyard area of the world and its geographical location enables the production of some good, quality wine.

Eunotourism or wine tourism and its importance starting to accelerate with the increase of eunotouristic facilities.

Let Fortis be your guide to unforgettable adventures and hidden gems.Embark on an unforgettable adventure and discover the true beauty of Turkey.

İstanbul photographs by Ümit Çukurel
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